>Ten days utsavam:-

Brammotsavam is conducted in the month of chithirai(april to may). In this utsavam, the utsavar is carried on different vahanams daily, it goes for a period of ten days.
On the first day it starts with kodiettram, hoisting of the holy flag in the Dhodhasthambam, perumal is carried on the vahanams daily and goes on a prosession in the four mada veethis, both morning and in the evening. On this purapadu, the srivaishnavas chant the Naalaayira divya prabandha which was sung by the alwars. On the 7th day Rathotsavam takes place. On the 9th day evening after the purapadu, the avarohanam(kodiyerrakam) takes place.
Then on the tenth day, Dwadhasaaradhanam takes place, on this day, all the deties of the temple can be seen on the same dias, that is all the emperumans, prattimargal, alwars, acharyas will participate and thirumanjanam is conducted for all perumals, thiruvaradhanam(12 times) for all perumals, thiruvaimoli sevakalam etc. This 12 times thiruvaradhanam is conducted because, it is to compensate that in any one day in these ten days utsavam, if the thiruvaradhanam is done faster or not done due to some unexpected circumstances.
On this day itself, the srivaishnavas of thiruvallikeni chants all thousand pasurams of thiruvaimoli. Then all the perumal, prattimargal, alwars and acharyas will go back to their original place except Parthasarathy swamy, he will be attending a purapadu in the four mada veethis in Siriya ratham.
2. Thiruvadipoora utsavam:-

The thiruvadipoora utsavam is also ten days utsavam. In this utsavam andal goes on a procession daily in the four veethis. Then after coming inside the temple, parthasarthy perumal; will be in a ungal in the front mandapam, andal will come there and malai mathal(garland changing) will be conduted for three times, then the srivaishnavas will be chanting thiruvaimoli, 100 songs daily. On the tenth day, Parthasarathy swamy will go to andal sannadhi, thirumanjanam will be conducted for both andal and perumal. Then in the evening thiruppavai, nachiyar thirumoli will be chanted, then sathumarai. After this, both perumal and andal will go for a procession(only andal and perumal as u can see in the picture) Then after coming inside, both the andal and perumal will be placed in a mansam(mandapam), then thiruvaradhanm, thiruvaimoli goshti, sathumarai. After this both andal and perumal goes to moolavar sannadhi, after that serthi sevai of andal and perumal in the moolavar sannadhi. After this thiruvadipooram, andal will be in the moolavar sannadhi with sri parthasarathy swamy for a month(till avani pooram) as this is her mother-in-law's house.
3. Adhyena utsavam:-

This is another important utsavam, it is a 21 days utsavam, we can say that this is the utsavam which proceeds for a longer duration than that of other utsavams. It is splited as, 10 days Pagalpathu, 10 days Raapathu and one day of Iyarpa sathumarai. The pagalpathu means, the sevakalam is conducted in the day time, during this pagalpathu, all the alwars and acharyas of the temple will be participating with the perumal daily with various alankarams(thirukolam).
During this utsavam, mudhalairam and periya thirumoli is chanted. On the first day the utsavar gives the darshan as moolavar Sri Venkatakrishnan, and on the last day, the utsavar gives darshan as a Nachiyar(mohini alankaram).

Then comes the Rapathu utsavam, in this rapathu, the sevakalam is done in the night time, during this rapathu only Thiruvaimoli is chanted(daily 100 songs) It starts with the day of Vaikunta ekadasi which everybody know that it is an important day for us. On this day perumal is dressed with 'Vajrangi'(daimond angi) and comes out of the Paramapadha vaasal. Whoever watchs this gets moksham. Then the below said are the important alankarams of Rapathu utsavam:
Then on the tenth day 'Nammalwar thiruvaditholudhal '(nammalwar moksham), after the peruamal and alwar attending the purapadu in the four veethis of thiruvallikeni, thiruvaimoli (patham pathu)goshti is conducted, after this during the sathumarai, nammalwar is carried by the preists and will go round the mandapam in which Sri Parthasarathy swamy there with his two consorts, during this the srivaishnavas will chant 'Soolvisum panimugil......' pasuram from thiruvaimoli, then nammalwar will be attaining the holy feet of Sri Parthasarathy swamy. The people will not accept nammalwar attaining his thiruvadi so a representative of these people will go and ask the main preist to
give back nammalwar as the people could not tolrate his absence in this boolokam, the priest will reply that nammalwar will be given back(will say 'Thandhom,Thandhom,Thandhom) Actualy the representative is not asking the priest but the perumal and also only perumal replies in the form of a priest. Then sathumarai takes place. On the next(21st day) Iyarpa sathumarai, on this day the perumal will be in a simple form, wearing white cloths which is a symbol of peace, and Iyarpa goshti is conducted and then sathumarai.
P.N:-Please click on the picture if u want to see it in a bigger size
My next posting will be about the other utsavams of Sri Parthasarathy swamy. Please reply me with your valuble comments and suggetions frankly so that it will be helpful for me to further develop my blog and present it in a more effective manner.
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